Indian President Pranab Mukherjee launched a new tablet Akash-2 on 11 November 2012, is an improved version of Akash-1. It costs 1130 for students. 1lakh devices have been made for the students of engineering colleges and universities.
Its running at 1Ghz processor having 512 Mb RAM, 7 inch capacitive touch screen and 3 hour battery backup.
It is made under the giudance of IIT Bombay with the active support of C-DAC. Datawind is rolling out this tablet and is selling to the government at Rs 2263 and the government is selling it further with around 50% discount.
It is estimated that aprroximately 22 crore students are going to have this tab in next 5-6 years.
- 10000 teachers training programme - a live video interaction with participants.
- Clicker applications for real time feedback in country wide classroom.
- NCERT content
- Scholarship portal integrated with Aadhar.
Its running at 1Ghz processor having 512 Mb RAM, 7 inch capacitive touch screen and 3 hour battery backup.
It is made under the giudance of IIT Bombay with the active support of C-DAC. Datawind is rolling out this tablet and is selling to the government at Rs 2263 and the government is selling it further with around 50% discount.
It is estimated that aprroximately 22 crore students are going to have this tab in next 5-6 years.
- 10000 teachers training programme - a live video interaction with participants.
- Clicker applications for real time feedback in country wide classroom.
- NCERT content
- Scholarship portal integrated with Aadhar.
I like to buy Aakash Tablet 2 if i book the table when will i get the tablet on my hand, your blog picture is nice
ReplyDeleteYou'l get the tab in 2-3 days after ordering