Friday, 9 November 2012


As US elections drew towards an exhilarating close, there is a lot that women all over the world can rejoice about.

With 18 women senators this year, a record high, Americans can expect a sack full of changes. Also with Tammy Baldwin becoming the first gay senator, also termed as 'ultra liberal' by her opponents, you never know what comes out from the Santa's bag. Let us all wait and hope for eventful 4 years.

Americans made it loud and clear they dont want candidates who pass insane statements that 'legitimate rape' doesnt lead to pregnancy. Sounds like a science revolution and one can somehow imagine Todd Akin signalling a thumbs up to all the rapists around.

Todd Akin a six term congressman lost to McCaskill who was up until a long time considered as the most vulnerable candidate. Claire won with 54.8% votes while Akin got 39.2% votes. Akin's ridiculous stand on abortions and rapes cost him his seat and his own party members distancing themselves.

It seem as if he's saying, ''Look guys go ahead and do it because if it is legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try and shut that whole thing down. So relax its their headache, you need not worry''.

Fate played a similar role in Indiana, where Richard E Mourdock was defeated by Democrat representative Joe Donnelly.

The Americans have clearly made their choice and now the Indian in me wakes up and wishes that we even take a stand and not appoint leaders who believe that lowering the age of marriage can actually bring down the number of rapes in our country.

Leaders who believe that girls should not use mobile phones and wear jeans as it takes a step closer to being a rape victim.

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