Saturday, 10 November 2012

The earthquakes of Indian Ocean is a Signal to Tectonic disintegration

 The simultaneous earthquakes seen in past few years in the Indian Ocean may be a cause of breaking up of the Tectonic Plate for the formation of a new plate boundary within the earth surface.
Keith Koper, from University of Utah Seismograph Station, states that the earthquakes with magnitude-8 in two hour in April 2012 created at least four faults within the earth’s Indo Australian plate.

The geological are in tension that split the Indo-Australian plates were caused due to the massive quakes with magnitude-8.6 and 8.2 within 2 hours on 11 April 2012. Its after effects were felt in form of small and big earthequakes for continuous 6 days. It is assumed that. The scientists assumes that new boundary plates are forming.
It’s suspected by the seismologists that the process of disintegration of the Indo-Australian plates has been in process since 1980’s.

 Delescluse and his team found the presence of seismic stress zones using modeling changes of stress shortly before the earthquakes happened in the year 2012. Their findings signal that the 2012 earthquakes were triggered during the earthquakes of the year 2004 with magnitude-9.1 that caused the tsunami in Indian Ocean and in the year 2005.

The available theories about plate-tectonics hints that the internal deformation of the Indo-Australian plate started at least 10 million years ago. The theories describe that the northward movement of the plates nearby India that was crunched against the Eurasian Plate thrusted Himalayas above by slowing down India. The science fraternity suspects that the Australian portion, which was forged before by the twisting tensions is responsible for the split being caused in the plates in the Indian Ocean.

The above theories are based on a report published in the journal of science- Nature on 26 September 2012

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