Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Diwali- festival of lights, people burn crackers, enlighten lamps and candles. the crackers they burn create loud noise and also pollution. Bursting of crackers break out ear drums are harmful to small children. It causes distress to heart patients and causes air pollution also creating a dangerous environment. Why do people are enjoying digging up their own graves!!

According to a survey conducted in Delhi stated that in 1997, 383 people died and 442 people got injured due to burning of crackers. Lives of 44 people were gone in Sonpath, Haryana in 1999 because of fire caused by crackers.

A market burnt in ashes at Jalgaon in Maharashtra in 1999.
It causes deafening. Ears become numb. Ailments related to lungs can be caused due to excessive air pollution. Respiratory system can get affected.
Pregnant women are mostly affected by noise pollution.
The poisonous gas that is spread due to crackers is hamful it is inhaled and can lead to asthamatic problems. It spreas smoke in the atmophere which creates smog in the environment changing the climatic conditions. badly.

It is nothing but a waste of money creating trash and dust in the environment causing harmful effects to living organisms.

In USA burning of noisy crackers is ban. Only sparkling noiseless crackers are allowed.
We should also step forward and stop buring these harmful crackers.

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